At 04:32 PM 4/7/05 -0400, John Deighan wrote:
>calls) in our code. It's completely impracticle to expect us to add 
>"main::" or "&" or "use subs" in all of this code. I doubt that anyone is 

I *always* call my own defined functions/subroutines with the & prefix.
It's just good practice.  Allowing the & to be omitted just encourages bad
programming practices.  And I'm sorry that ur bad practice has finally
caught up with u but pouting isn't going to help anything.  If u truly knew
what u were doing u would know about the reset function or atleast how to
look it up in the book.  But I guess it's completely impracticle to expect u
to follow good practice in ur code.

>going to be able to come up with a rule for which function names look 
>"suspicious" and need to be investigated further. I also personally feel 
>that code is more readable if functions names are simple and reflect their 
>purpose, so I'm not going to add otherwise meaningless prefixes, which 
>could never guarantee no name conflicts anyway.

Actually, yes, those "meaningless prefixes" will gaurantee that u won't get
name conflicts.

The bottom line is u've feathered ur own nest and now that u have to lie in
it don't come bitching that it's perl's fault u screwed up.  If u want to
fix the situation I and others are perfectly willing to help.  It's a
triviality to write a script that will repair ur broken script(s).  Basically 
foreach $i (@script) { $i =~ s/reset/&myreset/g; }.  There are other ways
too which people have mentioned.

" cede males"


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