> Tried that. Unfourtunately the package does not find the
> Class-ErrorHandler package on the uwinnipeg server. This is the error
> message that I get:
> ppm> install Net-SFTP
> Error: Package 'Class-ErrorHandler' not found on server. Please 'search'
> for it
> first.
> ppm>
> I did find the package on CPAN and I install it on my machine. However 
> ppm>search Class-ErrorHandler 
> on my local repository does not find it. Any ideeas of what may be
> wrong?

Don't know.  Why didn't you say PPM was OK ?  I would always use PPM over
CPAN if available.

Try doing a PPM search and install from AS site for your Class-ErrorHandler
module.  Then go back and try Net-SFTP again (uninstall of necessary).

Here's an older version if you can't get .09 running:

  ,-/-  __      _  _         $Bill Luebkert    Mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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