With this module I monitor  changes in a directory:
&mailprot("Monitoring gestartet"); $WatchSubTree = 1; $Events = 'FILE_NAME';
Win32::ChangeNotify::FindFirst($monitor, $MonDir, $WatchSubTree,

                while ($monitor->FindNext()) {
                       $monitor->Wait( INFINITE );
#            sleep(300);
$Inhalt = ""; if (! opendir (BKDIR, "$MonDir")) { &mailprot("can't opendir $MonDir:\n $!\n");
           while (defined ($fname = readdir(BKDIR))) {
next if $fname =~ /^\.$/; next if $fname =~ /^\.\.$/;
                  next if $fname =~ /@ReadMe\.htm/i;
                  next if $fname =~ /^Bitte Version und Sprache/i;
$Inhalt = "${Inhalt}\n$fname"; } close BKDIR;
                       &mailprot("Aenderungen im Briefkasten:\n$Inhalt");

END{ &mailprot("Monitoring gestoppt"); } exit 0;

I compiled the program whith perl2exe to an exe file.

If I start the program from comand line all works fine but if it runs as service I get no message if something changes in the monitored directory but i get the start message
(see first line in script)

The service was created as described in Dave Roth's  Book
'Win32 Perl Scripting', Page  274  in the following way:

instsrv.exe "monitor"  C:\WIN_NT\system32/srvany.exe

Modifying the registry was not as described in the book. I had to create the Parameters key.
Should the key not be there already ?
That's what I now have in the registry:
'Monitor' has the keys Enum, Parameters, Security
Parameters has the String Values Application REG_SZ Path to my exe file
                                                  AppParameters REG_SZ
(Default) REG_SZ (Value not set)
If I start or stop the service I get the start or stop message by mail
but if I create or delete a file in the monitored directory I get no message.
Why ?

Details: Win2000 (upgrade from NT) SP4
ActiveState perl
Win32::ChangeNotify 1.02


Michael Meltzer  AED-SICAD AG        Lilienthal-Str. 7      D-85579 Neubiberg
       Tel.:    +49 89 45026 108    Fax: +49 89 45026 113

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