Suresh Govindachar wrote:

> Thanks for the suggestion and mentioning (below) your experience
> using GoogleMaps with it.  
> I suspect that one can also write a perl script that acts as a
> simple HTTP server and works with GoogleMaps -- but I don't know
> where to start for coding and for seeing examples of such scripts.  
> I would like to explore this before getting into Apache.  
> Any suggestions?  

Why not just do it with Javascript ?  If you have a webserver, you can
just code it in Javascript (that's all HTML::GoogleMaps does is change
your code to Javascript).  Here's a page that will start you off near
my house (I shifted it off a bit) and let you move wherever you want :

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" 

<HTML xmlns="";

    <script src=<KEY-GOES-HERE> 


    <div id=map style="width: 900px; height: 600px"></div>
    <script type=text/javascript>
    //if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {

      var map = new GMap(document.getElementById("map"));
      map.centerAndZoom(new GPoint(-118.709012, 34.282444), 0);
      map.addControl(new GSmallMapControl());
      map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl());
      var marker_1 = new GMarker(new GPoint(-118.709812, 34.284244));
      var point = new GPoint (-118.709812, 34.284244);
      var marker1 = new GMarker (point);
      // Show this marker's index in the info window when it is clicked
      //var html = "My House - ";
      //GEvent.addListener (marker1, "click", function (overlay, pos) {
      //  marker1.openInfoWindowHtml(html + pos.x + ", " + pos.y);
      map.addOverlay (marker1);




You have to get a key from Google
I just used for my IP address.

The addListener part isn't working yet - just started playing with it (and

  ,-/-  __      _  _         $Bill Luebkert    Mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 (_/   /  )    // //       DBE Collectibles    Mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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-/-' /___/_<_</_</_ (My Perl/Lakers stuff)
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