This message I posted yesterday but got now answer except some out of office 
Maybe my Question was not clear.
My Question is:
why does the script not fire if it runs as service ?

With this module I monitor changes in a directory:
&mailprot("Monitoring started");               

$WatchSubTree = 1;                      
$Events = 'FILE_NAME';                      

Win32::ChangeNotify::FindFirst($monitor, $MonDir, $WatchSubTree,

                 while ($monitor->FindNext()) {
                        $monitor->Wait( INFINITE );
#            sleep(300);
            $Inhalt = "";                   
            if (! opendir (BKDIR, "$MonDir")) {       
                  &mailprot("can't opendir $MonDir:\n   $!\n");
            while (defined ($fname = readdir(BKDIR))) {
                   next if $fname =~ /^\.$/;       
                   next if $fname =~ /^\.\.$/;
                   next if $fname =~ /@ReadMe\.htm/i;
                   next if $fname =~ /^Bitte Version und Sprache/i;
                   $Inhalt = "${Inhalt}\n$fname";      
            close BKDIR;
                        &mailprot("Aenderungen im Briefkasten:\n$Inhalt");

END{ &mailprot("Monitoring stopped"); }             
exit 0;

I compiled the program with perl2exe to an exe file.

If I start the  program from comand line all works fine.
If it runs as service I get the start message (see first line in script) but no
message if something changes in the monitored directory.

The service was created as described in Dave Roth's  Book
'Win32 Perl Scripting', Page  274  in the following way:

instsrv.exe "Monitor"  C:\WIN_NT\system32/srvany.exe

Modifying the registry was not as described in the book. I had to create 
the Parameters key.
Should the key not be there already ?
That's what I now have in the registry:
'Monitor' has the keys Enum, Parameters, Security
Parameters has the String Values: Application   REG_SZ  Path to my exe file
                                  AppParameters REG_SZ
                                  (Default)     REG_SZ  (Value not set)

If I start or stop the service I get the start or stop message by mail
but if I create or delete a file in the monitored directory I get no 

Why ?

Environment: Win2000 (upgrade from NT) SP4
ActiveState perl
Win32::ChangeNotify 1.02


Michael Meltzer  AED-SICAD AG        Lilienthal-Str. 7      D-85579 Neubiberg
        Tel.:    +49 89 45026 108    Fax: +49 89 45026 113

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