On 11/29/05, Chris Wagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Has anyone else noticed this?  And has anyone at ActiveState noticed it and
> if so is anything being done about it?  What I'm talking about is the rand()
> function that doesn't seem to be so random after all.  Atleast 4 times now,
> over a multi day period, it has spit out the exact same sequence of numbers.
> The script is a mod_perl app that uses rand to generate a random temp file
> name.  If the name already exists it tries again, using rand(), 10 times.
> After that it dies.  Now, it seems that a random sequence will never have
> the same 10+ digit number twice except maybe sporadically at large
> intervals.  This rand is acting like it is just regurgitating values from a
> list!  I put in a call to srand to reinitialize it but it's yet to be seen
> whether that will fix it.  Like on Monday it might give 1, 2, 3, 4 and then
> on Wednesday it might spit out 1, 2, 3, 4 again!  The app is not heavily used.

perldoc -f srand says srand() is called implicitly the first time
rand() is called, so your change shouldn't make a difference.

How were you seeding rand() before?

Got any code to show us?



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