OK, same caveat as before - apparent bugs in Perl are usually user errors, but once again, I'm stumped. Here is my code. The problem I have is in the second call to getCached(), specifically, the line:

my($nextID,$maxID) = @$L if $L;

The parameter to getCached, $Customer, has a different value than during the first call. Because of that, the variable $L is undefined. What I expect the statement above to do is to create 2 new variables, $nextID and $maxID. Then, if $L has a true value in it, it's treated as a reference to a list and the first 2 values in that list would be assigned to the variables. However, if $L is false, then the variables would be left undefined. What's really blowing my mind is the that values in $nextID and $maxID get the values THAT THEY WERE ASSIGNED DURING THE PREVIOUS CALL TO THIS FUNCTION. Wow! They're "my" variables inside the getCached() function. How could they end up with values from a previous invocation of the function?

I've added the output from when I run this below. BTW, I'm running ActiveState ActivePerl v. 5.8.7 Build 815 under MS Windows 2000 Server.

# ---------------------------------------------------
use strict;

our $hCache = {};

my $id1 = getCached('x');
my $id2 = getCached('y');

print("id1 = '$id1\n");
print("id2 = '$id2\n");

# ---------------------------------------------------

sub getCached { my($Customer) = @_;

my $L = $hCache->{$Customer};
print(defined($L) ? "L defined\n":"L undefined\n");
my($nextID,$maxID) = @$L if $L;
print("nextID = '$nextID', maxID = '$maxID'\n");
if ($nextID==$maxID) {
        ($nextID,$maxID) = getNextMax($Customer);
        $hCache->{$Customer} = [$nextID+1, $maxID];
else {
return $nextID;
} # getCached()

# ---------------------------------------------------

sub getNextMax { my($CustomerName) = @_;

if ($CustomerName eq 'x') {
        return (100,150);
elsif ($CustomerName eq 'y') {
        return (200,250);
} # getNextMax()

# ---------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------
L undefined
nextID = '', maxID = ''
L undefined
nextID = '100', maxID = '150'
id1 = '100
id2 = '100

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