On Fri, 17 Feb 2006 12:05:08 -0800, you wrote:

>OK, then, consider this program. Notice that there's a global $i 
>which has the value 5. Now, when func() is called, if the "my $i" did 
>not create a new lexically scoped variable, then the print line would 
>print "i = 5". But it doesn't - obviously because the lexical 
>variable was created, but is undefined because $b is false.
>our $i = 5;
>our $b = 0;
>sub func {
>my $i = 3 if $b;
>print("i = $i\n");

If you look in perldoc perlsub, you'll see the section on my() variables
specifically mentions that putting statement modifiers on my() has
undefined results, so all of this discussion is moot.
Eric Amick
Columbia, MD
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