Thanks Jan, it's a real bummer that inline is not supported on PerlTray, 'cause I have just painfully written some C codes to extend Perl use beyond its existing domain!

Is there any other way I can use my C codes somehow on the PerlTray environment? Some form of XS or something?

Just an idea: is it possible to generate XS code via inline, then simply write a separate module that called it do that inline is not used?

Jan Dubois wrote:
On Sun, 26 Feb 2006, Foo Ji-Haw wrote:
I'm using some inline codes alongside PerlTray. It seems that compiling
an executable results in the following error:
    error: Can't locate .\Makefile.PL
    refby: C:\Perl\lib\ExtUtils\ line 181

I'm using Windows 2000 SP4 + 5.8.7 + PDK 6.0.2

The PDK wrapping tools (PerlApp, PerlCtrl, PerlNET, PerlSvc, PerlTray)
don't support the Inline module.


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    tools. That increases the chance other PDK user will see your
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