Thanks for coming to my rescue again!

Quick qn: I must be missing something, 'cause when I do 'perl Makefile.PL', I get:
Can't open perl script "Makefile.PL": No such file or directory

I'm using MSVC6. Or do I need another compiler?

Indeed it is. I do it often.

In 'perldoc Inline-FAQ' , see the section 'How do I create a binary
distribution using Inline?'. You need to do as suggested in steps 2) to 5).
Not only must The C code be placed in a subdirectory, but I think the
subdirectory needs to be named 'src', and the C file needs to be named the
same as the '.pm' file - ie if the the '.pm' file is named '', the C
file has to be called 'Foo.c'.

In the 'pm' file you must also specify the Config option

After you've run 'perl' and 'nmake' you can then go into the
'build' directory and retrieve the XS file (along with INLINE.h) that Inline

Bundle those 2 files with an appropriate Makefile.PL, and '.pm' file (along
with the usual Changes file, Readme file, test suite etc) and you have a
normal cpan-type distro which can be built in the usual way - and is in no
way dependent upon the Inline module.

The '.pm' file that is part of the final distro will be a little different
to the '.pm' file that you started with. Unlike the original '.pm' file it
will require DynaLoader (and add DynaLoader to @ISA), it will need to call
bootstrap (it's just one line of code - see any XS module's '.pm' file for
an example of how to do that), and it will contain no reference to 'Inline

The final Makefile.PL also differs from the initial Makefile.PL that was
used. It will 'use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;' instead of 'use

I actually wrote a little module (called C2XS) that takes the '.c' file that
you have created for the Inline module to use, and converts that '.c' file
into an '.xs' file. It also creates INLINE.h, iff needed. I could send it to
you if you like - it just saves the bother of running the initial 'perl
Makefile.PL' and 'nmake', and then having to go into the build directory and
retrieve the XS file.

It also means that you need only one '.pm' file (the one that's going to be
part of the final cpan-type distro) and one Makefile.PL (the one that's
going to be part of the final cpan-type distro).


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