@a = (1,2,3,4,5);

for $x (@a)

        print "$x\n";



You wrote:

Syntax issue (I think),

I'm trying to do the following:
I need to execute a block of instructions for all items in an array
except for one.

So if my array was:
And we assume that I don't want to execute the block if the value of $_
is 3 ...

Then, in my head, I'm looking for the WORKING (key word there) version
of this:
@a = (1,2,3,4,5);
if ($_ != 3) for (@a)
 print "something";
 print "somethingelse";

But that if ... for line doesn't work.
Neither does:
for (@a, $_ != 3) {}

Anyone got any ideas?  I've always done this by running a standard for
loop and having an if condition inside the loop .. but that seems
inefficient to me right now and I'm looking for the easier way.

Bill Ng

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