Ng, Bill wrote:
        Performance isn't really what I'm going for, just simpler code.
If clear code is what you want, you won't get it using a 'next' as some have suggested. A 'next' syntactically looks like any other line, and is therefore not easily noticed as part of the control flow. Unless, perhaps, you put a big comment next to it. Like a 'return' or a 'die', it's easily glanced over, and should only be used for exceptional circumstances.

I recommend you either:

  1. Embed the 'if' inside the 'for' - this makes it clear what you are
     trying to do.  It is not a significant performance penalty.
  2. Filter out just the items you want to iterate over in advance,
     using 'grep'.

First method:

@a = (1,2,3,4,5);
for (@a) {
   if ($_ != 3) {
       print "something";
       print "somethingelse";

Second method:

@a = (1,2,3,4,5);
for (grep { $_ != 3 } @a) {
       print "something";
       print "somethingelse";

Personally, I think the second method is the clearest. You are explicitly stating what you are iterating over. You might even write:

@a = (1,2,3,4,5);
@a_subset = grep { $_ != 3 }; # comment about why I only want these
for (@a_subset) {

Naming intermediate steps is good documentation.

The only reason I'd use the first method is if the condition for the 'if' could change during the iteration of the loop. But I try to avoid those sorts of situations.

Lyle Kopnicky
Software Project Engineer
Veicon Technology, Inc.

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