You can always use '/' as the directory delimiter, even in Windows. Perl on Win32 translates / properly.

Gerardo Carvallo Velasco wrote:

Hello to everyone;
I am a beginner in Perl and I have the next problem:
I should copy a file from winXP (local) to a Linux server.
When I select the file to be copied from a form it appear with the this format: c:\path\file in my script I try to change the "\" for "/" using the following instruction:
sub uploadFile{
  $file = $data{'our_file'};
  $file =s/\\/\//g;
  $target = "C:/myfiles/documents/drcarvallo/TargetFile.txt";
  unlink $target if(-e $target);
open(FILE1, ">>$TargetFile") || &show_error("$filepath: Can't open because ($!).");
  while (<FILE>){
    $line = $_;
    flock(FILE1,2) if $UseFlock;
    print FILE1 "$line\n";
flock(FILE1,8) if $UseFlock; }
  return 1;

When conclude the script, copy to selected path a file without data. However, if I change the slashes ("\" to "/") the file is made correc.

Could somebody indicate me how make it correctly?

Thank an regards.

Gerardo Carvallo

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