On Wed, 10 Jan 2007 09:36:23 +0800, Foo JH <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>I was wondering if there is any API that lets me inspect a COM object in 
>Perl. By this I mean list out the functions, classes, stuff like that.
>I see this happening with the OLE browser that comes with the ActivePerl 
>HTML manual. Is that written in Perl?

Yes, it is written in Perl, but the Win32::OLE::TypeLib and
Win32::OLE::TypeInfo classes it uses are not documented.  I wrote the
OLE browser to explore both using PerlScript for DHTML and support for
OLE typelibs in Win32::OLE.  Therefore the APIs were only experimental.
Since there was not a lot of interest in this functionality from other
people, I never spend the time to finalize the API and document it.  But
you can probably figure a lot of this out by looking at the OLE browser

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