Sexy! Thanks Mark and Jan.

mark pryor wrote:
> --- Jan Dubois <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Wed, 10 Jan 2007 09:36:23 +0800, Foo JH
>> wrote:
>>> I was wondering if there is any API that lets me
>> inspect a COM object in 
>>> Perl. By this I mean list out the functions,
>> classes, stuff like that.
>>> I see this happening with the OLE browser that
>> comes with the ActivePerl 
>>> HTML manual. Is that written in Perl?
>> Yes, it is written in Perl, but the
>> Win32::OLE::TypeLib and
>> Win32::OLE::TypeInfo classes it uses are not
>> documented.  I wrote the
>> OLE browser to explore both using PerlScript for
>> DHTML and support for
>> OLE typelibs in Win32::OLE.  Therefore the APIs were
>> only experimental.
>> Since there was not a lot of interest in this
>> functionality from other
>> people, I never spend the time to finalize the API
>> and document it.  But
>> you can probably figure a lot of this out by looking
>> at the OLE browser
>> source.
>> Cheers,
>> -Jan
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>> Perl-Win32-Users mailing list
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> Hello,
> Starting in Perl 5.8.8 build 819 (Aug 29 2006),
> ActiveState has added a patch which gets working the
> TLBInf32.dll object.
> This is an activex wrapper around interfaces in
> OLEAUT32.dll, like ITypeLib.
> Here is a sample script that uses a combination of
> registry scraping and TLBinf32 methods to analyze a
> COM object like Scripting.FileSystemObject
> ------------- ------------
> #!/usr/bin/perl;
> use strict;
> use warnings;
> use Win32::OLE qw(in with);
> use Win32::TieRegistry( Delimiter=>"/", ArrayValues=>0
> );
> # TLI main progid
> my $Obj = Win32::OLE->new('TLI.TLIApplication', 
> \&OleQuit) || die("could not create Obj\n");
> print "ref=", ref($Obj), "\n";
> my $oRef =
> $Obj->TypeLibInfoFromFile("C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\scrrun.dll");
> print "ref=", ref($oRef), "\n";
> # all tlbinf32 collections are 1 based
> my $cc = $oRef->{Coclasses};
> my $iCount = $cc->{Count};
> my $libname = $oRef->{Name};
> print "LibName=", $libname, " cnt=", $iCount, "\n";
> my $i = 1;
> my $pkey = $Registry->Open("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/");
> while ($i <= $iCount) {
>       my $oItem = $cc->Item($i);
>       my $sName = $oItem->{Name};
>       my $progidkey = $pkey->Open("$libname\.$sName");
>       if ($progidkey) {
>               # if the TypeFlag masks with 2 then its createable
> (11 works too)
>               my $tkind = $oItem->{AttributeMask};
>               if ( $tkind and 2 ) {
>               print $progidkey->GetValue(''), "\n";
>               print "$sName \n";
>       }
>       }               
>       $i ++;
> }
> print "type=", ref($Registry), "\n";
> my $libs =
> $Registry->Open("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/TypeLib");
> #keys(%$diskKey)
> foreach my $guid ( $libs->SubKeyNames   ) {
>               # step down and open the next subkey    
>               my $verkeys = $libs->Open("$guid");
>               #
>               foreach my $sver ( $verkeys->SubKeyNames ) {
>                       my $mkey = $libs->Open("$guid/$sver/");
>                       my $helpstr = $mkey->GetValue('');
>                        ; 
>                       my @sk = $mkey->SubKeyNames;
>                       # the langcode is not known apriori (usually 0), so
> take it as the 0'th subkeyname
>                       my $lc = $sk[0];
>                       # version must be a decimal with a decimal point
> (lame messenger tlb has a bug $MS!)
>                       next, unless (index($sver, '.') > 0);
>                       #get the inproc server path
>                       my $pathkey = $libs->Open("$guid/$sver/$lc/win32/")
> ;
>                       my $pathval = "null";
>                       if ($pathkey) {
>                               $pathval = $pathkey->GetValue('');
>                       }                               
>                       # $pathkey->GetValue('')
>                       print $pathval, " ",$helpstr," $sver $guid\n";  
>               }                        
>    # pass
> }
> # subroutines below
> sub OleQuit {
>       my $obj = shift;
>       undefine $obj;
> }
> ----------- end script ----------
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> (and love to hate): Yahoo! TV's Guilty Pleasures list.

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