Jerry Kassebaum wrote:
> I tried
> my $tmpdir = "/tmp";
> and
> my $tmpdir = $ENV{TEMP} || "C:/tmp";
> and
> my $tmpdir = $ENV{TEMP} || "/tmp";
> Same error: "Software error:
> CGI open of tmpfile: Permission denied"

Things to look at or try:

1) What are the perms on /tmp ?

2) What user are you running as ?

3) Could you create a tmp dir under wherever you are running
    and give it 0600 or 0644 perms and try using 'tmp' then
    instead of '/tmp'.

4) If you have shell access, see if you can create a file in
    /tmp and/or this new dir ./tmp .

5) What webserver are you using ?

6) Continue on in this vein until you figure out why you're
    being denied permission to create the temp file.

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