Jan Dubois wrote:
  >On Sun, 23 Sep 2007, Suresh Govindachar wrote:
  >> In the cmd.exe shell, I can run a .pl file by typing its name.
  >> However, in the new PowerShell,
  >> http://www.microsoft.com/technet/scriptcenter/topics/msh/download.mspx
  >> I need to prefix the .pl file with perl.  How can one get the
  >> file association to work in the PowerShell?
  > I don't really know, but one thing to try is adding the .pl extension to 
  >    set PATHEXT=.pl;%PATHEXT%

  Right idea -- had to jump through hoops to implement it.
  Feels like writing VBA code!

     get-childitem -path env:pathext  # for copy-paste in next command 

     set-item -path env:pathext -value 

  (They have taken the pleasant activity of working at a console and
  made it miserable drudgery.  In cmd.exe, I had to be careful to use
  unix find rather than cmd.exe's find.  In the power-shell, I am 
  finding that more unix commands are over-ridden, for example, diff;
  I think I'll just prefix all my unix-utility commands with u:  ufind,
  ugrep etc.)



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