I have one Perl script which works when executing it directly in Cygwin
It uses find to find a type of file in a directory and its subdirectories: 
my @jarfiles = split(' ',`find $bin_location -name "*.jar"`); 
But when run or debug it in Eclipse, it has error: 
sh: find: No such file or directory.  
I have set the Perl interpreter in Eclipse->Window->Preferences->perl EPIC.

The find.exe is located in c:\cygwin\bin. I have added the path to the
system path.  
I searched the web, and could not find out any helpful documents about how
to run perl using Eclipse+EPIC+cygwin on windows. There are documents about
Eclipse+EPIC+ActivePerl on windows.  
The scripts I work on work fine on linux, and I tested it works find in
Cygwin. I really want to know how to run it in Eclipse+EPIC+cygwin as it
allows me to debug the perl scripts.  
Can you point me the right way to do it? 
Thank you very much,  


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