Greetings Perl-win32-users,

not sure which address is registered with Activestate so I am trying a few. 
please forgive multiple submissions

not sure what the best list might be but this is a problem on win 32 so...

I have been having computer problems with updates and had to do system restore 
etc after which my Komodo does not run any scripts that use the file browsing 
method of the following. If I "compile" the script into an exe with PerlApp 
they all work fine. Running in the debugger in Komodo, clicking the button in 
this sample terminates the script instead of opening the file browser. This has 
happened at a most unfortunate time, just prior to a demonstration. I can hard 
code sample files and avoid the browser but I really need to get this working 
again ASAP. I have no idea what options or environment variables might have 
changed. Re-installing Komodo has not fixed the problem. If there is a more 
appropriate forum, please suggest one.

use strict;
use Tk;
my $maintitle = "TEST";
my$backcolor = "#DCA5FF";

my $mw = MainWindow->new(
-background=> "$backcolor",

$mw-> title ($maintitle);

my $frame3= $mw-> Frame(-background=> "$backcolor")->pack();

my $singlefileetc = $frame3-> Frame(-width=>60,  
-bd=>2)->pack(-side=>'right',-padx=> 0);

    my $onefile = $singlefileetc-> Button (
        -text => "Process Single File", -command =>sub {
       my $singlefile = $singlefileetc-> getOpenFile(
       -initialdir=>'\\\\') ;
        wreck_file($singlefile) if defined $singlefile;# in case it is cancelled
        -background=>'yellow') ->pack (-side=>'left');

sub wreck_file {
    my $file = shift;
    print "\nfile is $file";


Best regards,
Spencer Chase        mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
67550 Bell Springs Rd.
Garberville, CA 95542  Postal service only.
Laytonville, CA 95454  UPS only.
(707) 984-8356

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