This past weekend, we updated software on a production server, and in 
the process unintentionally updated the DBD-ODBC library from version 
1.15 to version 1.17. That change caused our site to fail and we had to 
roll back to version 1.15. Here are 2 specific problems we found - both 
may have been intentional because they do make some sense, but you might 
want to watch out for them.

1. When using placeholders, you can no longer specify the type 
SQL_VARCHAR if you're inserting a string into a column of type text - 
you have to use SQL_LONGVARCHAR.

2. When using placeholders, you can no longer insert strings like 
'2008-11-08 11:23:49' into columns of type smalldatetime - you have to 
leave off the minutes: '2008-11-08 11:23' - in this case we specify the 
type SQL_VARCHAR (I tried using SQL_DATETIME and got an error message 
about an unsupported option). It makes some sense, since smalldatetime 
(unlike datetime) only has minute resolution. But, the SQL Server 
documentation specifically says that seconds can be specified and tells 
you how they will be rounded. But, this error is coming from the DBD 
driver, I assume. I haven't checked if SQL Server used via e.g. Query 
Analyzer will allow you to insert with seconds in the string.
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