At 12:30 PM 7/28/2009 -0700, Jan Dubois wrote:
>It is also not clear to me if you were looking at physical or
>virtual memory allocation.  In some ways it doesn't make sense
>to obsess about returning memory to the OS too much: if you don't
>use it anymore, it will just get paged out to disk.  And other
>processes have their own virtual memory anyways.

Sergei's test script showed the physical and virtual usage dropping after
thread joining.  In my situation (Solaris, ActivePerl) I believe the problem
was exceeding some 32 bit resource limit.  It was a 100 thread 2GB of memory
monster that ran for several days.  I had to reduce the thread usage to 60
even after adding the multiprocess component to keep it from crashing with
resource messages.  The problem was that individual threads would
occasionally need very large memory spaces.  Once they were done and moved
on to smaller tasks, the memory would never be made available to other
threads.  So once enough threads had run across large memory tasks, the
whole process would crash.  So when ur obstacle is resource limits,
regaining memory is critical.

" cede malis"


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