Adding to the original below. Even of in the history it doesn't show up 
depending on the setup & type. But it will definitely show up in the 'ps aux 
|grep <command_name>' output. So this command having some where option value as 
'--passwd someabcxyz' and run in machineB how will it be done in a way so that 
it is not reflected ?
One way will be to prompt for it which is already there. But in that case I may 
need the prompt of machineB to propagate down and appear as prompt in machineA. 
Not like now, which is machineA prompts, captures and pass it on as cli option 
and run in machineB. 


This basically might not only be a programming related question but Unix one. I 
am issuing commands programatically remotely by executing a program 
from machineA which login to machineB and issues various commands there.
 These commands issued in machineB some of them holds sensitive info 
like passwd passed to the command as command line option values. However
 when i run the program in machineA i prompt for the passwd (it's not 
passed in as cli option value's). Then i capture this in a variable in 
the program, construct the cmd and fire it in machineB. So I wonder 
whether this is safe ? Will the history or some logging info in machineB
 will get to know this ?

Can someone pls throw some light. Any alternatives ?

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