I can not say that I have tried this on PWS, but what I know from IIS this
documentation seems like it should work just fine...

To use Perl with the Personal Web Server on Windows 95/98/NT:

Download Perl for Win32 (Intel package)
Run the executable you just downloaded to install Perl.
To execute perl scripts on PWS...
For more on PerlScript resources....
Note:  Windows 98 users may experience CGI Errors or no output at all when
attempting to execute perl scripts. If this happens, follow the below
mapping procedure with great care because you will be adding an entry to
your registry.

This is the registry key that needs to be changed:


Here's how you accomplish it:

Stop your web server by right-clicking on the PWS icon in the task tray and
left-clicking "Stop Service".

Next, click the "Start" button on the task bar and click "Run". In the Run
dialog box enter "regedit" without the quotes and click "Ok".

Click the "+" sign beside the following to reach "Script Map"

Select the key "Script Map". From the edit menu choose "New" then "String

Name the new value ".pl" (no quotes) and click okay.

Double-click on the ".pl" you just created and enter "C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe
%s %s" for its value (without the quotes), making sure the s's are lower
case. If your path to the perl interpreter is not the same as the default
above, adjust it accordingly.

Close the registry and restart your computer. Restart the PWS web server if
it doesn't start automatically.


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----- Original Message -----
From: Khalid Al-Rajeh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Perl-Win32-Users Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, May 20, 2000 11:34 PM
Subject: HELP! can't install PERL interpreter with FrontPage 98 Personal

> > Hi,
> >
> > I am having problems with coordinating the PERL interpreter with
> > 98 Personal WebServer so as to enable execution of scripts in the
> > CGI-BIN directory.
> >
> >  I am actively designing webpages these days, and several of them use
> > scripts for collecting form data from HTML, etc.
> >
> >  I would be very grateful if you could tell me how to link the PERL
> > Command-line Interpreter (PERL.EXE) with the Personal Webserver so that
> > could
> > execute CGI scripts on my local system through the HTML browser before
> > uploading them on-line.
> >
> >  Thank you in advance for your support.
> >
> >  With warm regards.
> >
> > Khalid
> >
> ---
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