You wrote:
> Anyone know what is the max length of a character string?

How much RAM memory do you have?  That's the limitation you'll have
in Perl.

> I am taking an array of about +/-1000 values, passing it to another script
> which converts it to an html table and passes it back to the main script.
> I get two things: in the CMD window I get an error that "The following
> character string is too long: " (but it doesn't tell me which) and then I
> get a Dr. Watson window telling me that an application error has occurred
> (for CMD.exe not perl).

It sounds like you're trying to run something big through DOS, and
DOS - not Perl - is complaining mightily.  The unmentioned "character
string" may be the entire HTML table en masse.  My advice, since you
haven't shown any code, is "don't do that".  I can't get much more
specific.  But you shouldn't be passing immense strings through MS-DOS.
Use the native abilities of Perl instead.  If you're calling another
script to do your dirty work, don't pass the info as a big string.
Save it in a file in some way and hack the script to read in the file
to get the data, then put the massaged result into another file for
your outer program to read.

David Cassell, OAO                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior computing specialist
mathematical statistician

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