Randy Kobes wrote:
> mod_perl.so should be built under src\modules\win32\Release\
> (or something like that). After 'nmake install', copying
> mod_perl.so to C:\Apache\modules\ will complete the
> installation (if you build things as
>   C:\mod_perl-1.xx> perl Makefile.PL APACHE_SRC=\Apache
>         INSTALL_DLL=\Apache\modules
> then an
>   C:\mod_perl-1.xx> nmake install
> will copy mod_perl.so to \Apache\modules\ for you).

Thanks, Randy. I've found mod_perl.so and copy it to \Apache\modules, just
as you said. 

But another thing is strange: 
I run the ppm command to list the packages now in Perl. The steps as
1. D:\Dtemp> ppm
2. PPM> query

The output is: 
PPM interactive shell (2.1.5) - type 'help' for available commands.
PPM> query
Archive-Tar      [0.072      ] module for manipulation of tar archives.
Compress-Zlib    [1.08       ] Interface to zlib compression library
DBD-mysql        [2.1026     ] MySQL driver for the Perl5 Database Interface
DBI              [1.37       ] Database independent interface for Perl
Digest-MD5       [2.11       ] Perl interface to the MD5 Algorithm
File-CounterFile [0.12       ] Persistent counter class
Font-AFM         [1.18       ] Interface to Adobe Font Metrics files
HTML-Parser      [3.19       ] SGML parser class
HTML-Tagset      [3.03       ] Data tables useful in parsing HTML
HTML-Tree        [3.11       ] HTML syntax tree builder
MIME-Base64      [2.11       ] Encoding and decoding of base64 strings
PPM              [2.1.5      ] Perl Package Manager: locate, install,
                               software packages.
SOAP-Lite        [0.46       ] Library for Simple Object Access Protocol
                               clients and servers in Perl
URI              [1.11       ] Uniform Resource Identifiers (absolute and
XML-Parser       [2.27       ] A Perl module for parsing XML documents
libnet           [1.07.03    ] Collection of Network protocol modules
libwin32         [0.17.2     ] A collection of extensions that aims to
                               comprehensive access to the Windows API.
libwww-perl      [5.51       ] Library for WWW access in Perl

And I didn't find the mod_perl package in it. 
But I can find mod_perl.pm and mod_perl_hooks.pm in the folder

Anything wrong here?


Xu Qiang
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