
I am looking for a way to test a web site with a script.  I would like
it to login in, maybe do a search etc.

I have been using Win32:OLE but I am having a problem getting my script
to deal with the correct window.

When you visit the login page of this app it launches a pop up window
and in the pop up window are the form fields for logging in.  Once
logged in the pop up window is changed to a full screen and all
interaction with the app is then done in the pop up window.  The
original window also remains open but inactive.

I have been able to use the script to navigate to the site, have viewed
the source code to get the input field names, but cannot figure out how
to get the script to "switch focus" to the pop up window.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

I also looked at Samie but it seems that one must be able to launch the
pop up by selecting a link in order to switch to the pop up.

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