Peter wrote:
> "All that is to do" is "open" a website,

use WWW::Mechanize;
my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new();

> enter Login and Password,

# assuming there's one form with only two visible fields:
$mech->set_visible( 'login_name', 'password');

> click on "Login-Button",


> wait for new page, click on some link

$mech->follow_link( text_regex => qr/Click Here/i );

> and fill out a form with text-fields and a dropdown menu 

$mech->set_visible( "foo", "bar", [ option => "Dropdown_item_3" ]);

> and then click "Send-Button".......


> But to use Mechanize I think I'd have to understand programming the 
> HTML-code myself or have the source-code.

If you want to fill out only specific fields, then you'll have to do a "View
Source" and look at the name="foo" value for the fields you want to set.
Then you use $mech->set_fields instead of set_visible. But that's not hard.

> Thanks for any help (If you had a piece of code ready somewhere that 
> does something similar I'd like to work through that, but 
> understanding Mechanize from scrap - oh boy.....)

Yes, it's a long doc but it's easy to understand, once you get how it works.

Hope this helps.

Mark Thomas 
Internet Systems Architect
BAE SYSTEMS Information Technology 
2525 Network Place
Herndon, VA  20171  USA 

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