Thanks for the comment, Brad.

Yeah, I was wondering about that.  My reasoning is that Tk has a number of
widgets, like Tk::Text for dealing with free-form text, or the
Tk::DBI::Table for playing with SQL... so an argument could be made that
Tk::MARC_Editor is a beast like that - a Tk widget specifically for playing
with MARC records.

On the other hand, MARC-record stuff *is* very... well, MARC-centric.
Perhaps it would fit better in the MARC namespace.

Anyone else want to wade in?


 Brad said:
> Perhaps I have a misconception, but the Tk:: namespace implies to me a set
> of utility modules for use in Tk applications.  It seems like this
> application might be better located in the MARC:: namespace.  Something like
> MARC::Tk::Editor?
> --
> Brad

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