Hi Henri,

> MARC::Charset ... fails on each µ character.

> ad Scripturµ sensum

Although in my email client, the character in question appears as a MICRO SIGN 
("µ"), I am assuming that it is actually meant to be a LOWERCASE DIGRAPH AE 
("æ") since that is consistent with the Latin vernacular text in your record.  
In MARC-8, the LOWERCASE DIGRAPH AE character is a precomposed character 
represented by 0xB5 in hex [1].  You mention that you are using MARC::File::XML 
which in turn uses MARC::Charset.  I'm wondering if there is some confusion as 
to the expected encoding of the MARC records being processed/converted?  If 
MARC::Charset is expecting MARC21 Unicode/UCS encoded records, but is actually 
getting MARC-8 encoded records, then in that context it likely wouldn't know 
what to do with the 0xB5 octet and that might be the cause of the error you are 

-- Michael

[1] Your MARC records appear to be encoded in MARC-8 as evidenced by "ergáo" in 
which the combining accent character comes before the character to be modified. 
 I.e. the byte string that displays as "ergáo" in your email would display as 
"ergò" (with a Latin small letter o with grave) in a MARC-8 aware client.

# Michael Doran, Systems Librarian
# University of Texas at Arlington
# 817-272-5326 office
# 817-688-1926 mobile
# http://rocky.uta.edu/doran/

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Henri-Damien LAURENT [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2007 5:26 AM
> To: perl4lib@perl.org
> Subject: MARC::Charset
> Hi there,
> I have a problem with MARC::Charset.
> It fails on each µ character.
> This is quite a pain in the neck.
> So I wanted to add some correspondance to MARC::Charset::Table.
> But whatever I tried failed.
> Is there a way to add a character to MARC::Charset Table ?
> Or to *ignore_errors* that is : pass subfield as is, when 
> MARC::File::XML uses MARC::Charset ?
> no mapping found at position 7 in Ferrariµ at 
> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/MARC/Charset.pm line 194.
> .................no mapping found at position 43 in seu, De 
> comaediis collegiorum in Gallia, prµsertim ineunte sexto 
> decimo sµculo, disquisitionem at 
> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/MARC/Charset.pm line 194.
> ...............................no mapping found at position 9 
> in Petri Cunµi De republica Hebrµorum libri tres at 
> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/MARC/Charset.pm line 194.
> no mapping found at position 71 in variis annotationibus, 
> cuivis literato scitu necessariis, & ad Scripturµ sensum 
> eruendum utilissimis illustrati, nunc primum publici boni 
> ergáo in lucem
> --
> Henri Damien LAURENT et Paul POULAIN
> Consultants indépendants
> en logiciels libres et bibliothéconomie (http://www.koha-fr.org)

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