Hi Leif,

Is the downside to this approach that you are modifying a CPAN module
in place, or is it something to do with the behavior of 'use bytes'?
Would there be any undesirable side effects to adding 'use bytes' to
MARC::File::USMARC::encode on CPAN?


On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 7:58 AM, Leif Andersson
<leif.anders...@sub.su.se> wrote:
> Myself I have changed one of the modules.
> It has a function called encode() around line 315
> I have added a "use bytes;" just before the final return. Like this:
> use bytes;
> return join("",$marc->leader, @$directory, END_OF_FIELD, @$fields, 
> To change directly in code like this is totally "no-no" to many programmers.
> If you feel uncomfortable with this, there are other methods doing the same 
> stuff.
> You could write a package:
> package MARC_Record_hack;
> use MARC::File::USMARC;
> no warnings 'redefine';
> sub MARC::File::USMARC::encode() {
>    my $marc = shift;
>    $marc = shift if (ref($marc)||$marc) =~ /^MARC::File/;
>    my ($fields,$directory,$reclen,$baseaddress) = 
> MARC::File::USMARC::_build_tag_directory($marc);
>    $marc->set_leader_lengths( $reclen, $baseaddress );
>    # Glomp it all together
>    use bytes;
>    return join("",$marc->leader, @$directory, "\x1E", @$fields, "\x1D");
> }
> use warnings;
> 1;
> __END__

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