Just a quick note: There is MARC::Fast[1] which should be named
Biblio::MARC because they share same API from end-user perspective.

However, it was written before Biblio::Isis, so it ended up in wrong

I would prefer to have MooseX in name, because if I'm using Moose, I
don't really care about other MARC modules, and if I'm not, I'm not
interested in MARC module which requires it.

Just my $0.02 :-)

I wasn't aware of MARC::Fast... Biblio::Marc sounds good but if you plan to use it, you have the precedence of course.

You're correct that a Moose based module could be an issue. Moose is not a small dependence. It could be an overhead. It used to be. I don't think it's the case anymore since Moose is so widespread today. There is no performance penalty in any persistent environment and even in a CLI program there is no perceptible difference.


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