I was going to express the same concern. Keeping everything under
MARC:: may also make it a tiny bit easier to find the existing
alternatives for, well, parsing MARC records. I would +1 MARC::Moose.

I understand this point. I don't like the idea of using 'Moose' in the name of object using Moose. As this library is a MARC::Record alternative, as you said, why not simply Marc::Alt?

Also, to be purely pedantic, "MARC" is an acronym for "MAchine-Readable Cataloguing", while "Marc" is a person's name, so where-ever it ends up, please keep it uppercase.

On this point, my convention is just to begin any element of class by an uppercase and then lowercase. This way there is no need to think about it: is it an acronym? should I say Koha or KOHA? SOLR or SolR? (private joke)

But I will think about it since MARC::Record is so widely used.


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