Thanks for the responses!  I was also contacted off-list by 
Net::OAI::Harvester's maintainer and we tracked the issue down to a rogue 
standalone release of XML::SAX::Base.  Removing that, so that the 
XML::SAX::Base included with XML::SAX was used instead, resolved my problems 
and I was then able to install Net::OAI::Harvester cleanly.

>  I am not so familiar with the oai harvesting tools in Perl, so
>  forgive me if I am giving you incorrect information. My vague
>  recollection is that there are several oai harvesters for Perl.

There are, but the import tool I'm using is specifically built to use 

> In Ubuntu, I had to install from synaptic when CPAN failed.
> If I remember correctly, the command was:
> # sudo apt-get install libnet-oai-harvester-perl
> It works better than cpan in managing dependencies in my experience.

Although my dev laptop is Ubuntu, the servers I deploy to tend to be running 
Very Old Releases of Fedora, so I try to stay within CPAN despite its warts, 
simply for the sake of broad compatibility.  The security of running 
installation tests is a great bonus, too, though - in this particular case, I 
expect that installing Ubuntu's packaged version would have gotten me a 
non-working installation because the rogue XML::SAX::Base would still be there, 
it just wouldn't have been caught during installation.

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