On Mon, Jun 27, 2005 at 10:46:19AM +0100, Steve Hay wrote:
> win32/win32.c currently generates warnings under gcc.  The problem is 
> reproduced by:
> #include <process.h>
> int main() {
>     const char *cmdname;
>     const char *const *argv;
>     return execv(cmdname, (char *const *)argv);
> }
> which causes gcc to complain:
> test.c:5: warning: passing arg 2 of `execv' from incompatible pointer type
> In MinGW (and VC++) execv's 2nd arg is const char *const *, so simply 
> removing the cast makes it happy.  However, in Borland C execv's 2nd arg 
> is just char * const * (hence the reason for the cast in the first place 
> -- must have been written by a Borland C user!), so removing the cast 
> makes bcc32 complain:
> Warning W8075 test.c 5: Suspicious pointer conversion in function main
> How can I keep both compilers (gcc and bcc32) happy?  Is #ifdef hell the 
> only way, e.g.
> #ifdef __BORLANDC__
>     return execv(cmdname, (char *const *)argv);
> #else
>     return execv(cmdname, argv);
> #endif
> Why does gcc complain in the first place, though?  I thought that 
> passing a non const arg to a function with a const parameter was 
> generally not a problem, and indeed, VC++ didn't complain.  What is 
> gcc's problem?

There's discussion of this (that I didn't understand, but maybe you
will) in the SUSv3 execv page, under Rationale, that implies that gcc
is technically correct in having a problem.  If you have to resort to
ifdef hell, I'd make it check for mingw, not for __BORLANDC__, since
mingw is what's getting the prototype wrong.

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