Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes wrote:

>On Thu, Jun 30, 2005 at 09:33:50AM +0100, Steve Hay wrote:
>>Are you suggesting that I should write
>>#ifdef __MINGW__
>>    return execv(cmdname, argv);
>>    return execv(cmdname, (char *const *)argv);
>>?  I can't see that that is an improvement because it now applies the 
>>cast in the VC++ case too, which doesn't need a cast since it has the 
>>correct prototype to start with.
>I thought from what you said that it doesn't warn, so it wouldn't hurt
>to pass the args correctly.
But what do you mean by "correctly"?  You seem to be meaning "what SUSv3 
says", whereas I would have thought that "correct" for a given compiler 
is "whatever that compiler's headers say".

You're right that it doesn't hurt (and doesn't warn) to apply the cast 
in the VC++ case, i.e. make them "correct" in the SUSv3 sense, but the 
cast is not required w.r.t. VC++'s own header files so it seems silly to 
do the cast.

>>The way I saw it is that it is Borland that gets the prototype wrong and 
>>hence Borland that needs the cast.
>Borland has:
>int  _RTLENTRY _EXPFUNC execv(const char * __path, char * const * __argv);
>_CRTIMP int __cdecl execv(const char *, const char * const *);
>_CRTIMP int __cdecl _execv (const char*, const char* const*);
>SUSv3 (http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/functions/execv.html):
>int execv(const char *path, char *const argv[]);
>So Borland is the only one of the three that gets it right.
OK, I phrased that very badly; sorry.  What I meant was that Borland is 
the only one whose header file doesn't match what the argument we're 
passing is, and hence the only one that needs the cast.

In the caller (e.g. win32/win32.c line 4069) we have

const char * const * argv

which (as you've laid out above) exactly matches the declaration given 
by VC++ and MinGW, so they don't require a cast.  Borland is the only 
one the gives a different declaration, so is the only one requiring a cast.

The issue of which compilers give declarations that match SUSv3 (... 
only Borland) seems to me to be a separate issue, and only really of 
academic interest.

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