Perl5 Bug Summary
Generated at Mon Jul 4 13:00:05 2005 GMT

  * Total Issues
  * New Issues
  * Overview of Open Issues
  * Ticket Status By Version
  * Requestors with most open tickets


Total Issues

Open Tickets: 1545


New Issues

New issues that have not been responded to yet

7-14 days old

36347 Object destruction incomplete                                   
36380 Re-order interpvar.h/embedvar.h to shrink the interpreter struct

14-21 days old

36291 incorrect $! from open ">&nr" with too many open files
36333 sort CONSTANT exhibits weird behavior                 

Over 21 days old

36070 Not OK: perl v5.8.7 on darwin-thread-multi-2level 8.1.0 (UNINSTALLED)    
36075 malloc_size/malloc_good_size                                             
36076 sv_upgrade and structure binary compatibility                            
36078 Newz() used gratuitously                                                 
36079 use of `sexed' quotes gnot Unicode                                       
36094 Wrong line number for FILEHANDLE reported by Xref ( V1.01)        
36114 Segfault when use encoding with thread                                   
36207 UTF8/Latin 1/i regexp "Malformed character" warning                      
36213 Possible flaw in that allows access to any file        
36229 Bizarre copy of IO                                                       
36235 perl + gcc-4.0.0 + solaris + gnu binutils                                
36248 print does not respect "use encoding 'utf8'"                             


Overview of Open Issues

Operating System       Severity           Type                 Perl Version    
Tru64          1       abandoned   0      5005threads   0      1.0        0    
Solaris      148       fatal       2      notok         2      5.000      1    
sco            4       High      143      ok            0      5.002      0    
riscos         1       low       771      Patch         3      5.003      0    
qnx            1       medium    381      regex        10      5.004      1    
powerux        1       none        9      sendToCPAN    1      5.004_00   1    
other          0       Normal      3      Todo          1      5.004_01   1    
os390          0       unknown     0      unknown     328      5.004_02   1    
os2            6       Wishlist   23      utilities    27      5.004_03   1    
openbsd        3                     notabug      69      5.004_04   1    
sunos          3                          library     195      5.004_05   1    
svr4           3                          install      45      5.005      1    
svr5           1                          bounce        0      5.005_01   1    
Win32         34                          Bug           3      5.005_02   1    
VOS            0                          compiler      1      5.005_03  37    
vms            5                          configure     2      5.005_04   4    
uts            0                          core        609      5.6.0    140    
unknown        0                          dailybuild    0      5.6.1    189    
unix           0                          docs         18      5.6.2     10    
unicosmk       0                          duplicate     0      5.7.0     26    
unicos         0                          wontfix       0      5.7.1     15    
sysv           0                                          5.7.2     34    
next           0                                               5.8.0    243    
netbsd         9                                               5.8.1     61    
mswin32       61                                               5.8.2     55    
dynixptx       0                                               5.8.3     82    
dos            1                                               5.8.4     78    
dgux           0                                               5.8.5     42    
dec_osf       14                                               5.8.6     27    
darwin        25                                               5.8.7      7    
cygwin_nt      1                                               5.8.8      0    
cygwin        17                                               5.9.0     34    
bsdos          5                                               5.9.1     24    
All           20                                               5.9.2     19    
freebsd       54                                               5.9.3     19    
generic       39                                                          
gnu            0                                                               
MacOS X        0                                                               
macos          0                                                               
machten        1                                                               
mac            0                                                               
lynxos         0                                                               
Linux        561                                                               
irix64         0                                                               
irix           9                                                               
HPUX          20                                                               
aix           29                                                               


Ticket Status By Version

                                            New or Open                Resolved
1.0                                                   0                       1
5.000                                                 1                       1
5.002                                                 0                       4
5.003                                                 0                       5
5.004                                                 1                       6
5.004_00                                              1                       2
5.004_01                                              1                       4
5.004_02                                              1                       2
5.004_03                                              1                       2
5.004_04                                              1                      45
5.004_05                                              1                       6
5.005                                                 1                      23
5.005_01                                              1                       5
5.005_02                                              1                      80
5.005_03                                             37                     333
5.005_04                                              4                       1
5.6.0                                               140                    1061
5.6.1                                               189                     474
5.6.2                                                10                       1
5.7.0                                                26                    1459
5.7.1                                                15                      39
5.7.2                                                34                      74
5.8.0                                               243                     454
5.8.1                                                61                      63
5.8.2                                                55                      46
5.8.3                                                82                      50
5.8.4                                                78                      61
5.8.5                                                42                      30
5.8.6                                                27                       9
5.8.7                                                 7                       4
5.8.8                                                 0                       0
5.9.0                                                34                      29
5.9.1                                                24                       3
5.9.2                                                19                      11
5.9.3                                                19                       2


Requestors with most open tickets

Nicholas Clark            38
Mark-Jason Dominus        25
Stas Bekman               16
David Dyck                14
[EMAIL PROTECTED]          14
Tom Christiansen          12
Dan Jacobson              10
Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes    8
Hugo                       8

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