On Wed, Jul 06, 2005 at 12:04:52PM -0700, Michael G Schwern wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 06, 2005 at 01:57:21PM -0500, Steve Peters wrote:
> > Although many of the tickets I work on go through with little or no comment,
> > and despite the occasional lambastings, copying p5p has prevented me from 
> > shooting myself in the foot several times.  Thankfully, most modern 
> > browsers 
> > will autocomplete the CC field on a reply, so I rarely have to do more that
> > type a 'p' to get 'perl5-porters@perl.org' filled in when replying to a 
> > ticket in RT.  That is a very minimal part of the whole process of going
> > through the old tickets, and, if it prevents some nasty mail loops,
> > I'm more than happy to hit the 'p' key.
> I think the issue isn't so much a matter of keystrokes as it is people having
> to know the right voodoo to get their web replies forwarded back to p5p and
> actually be seen, reviewed and acted upon.

OK, we all know the right voodoo now.

Steve Peters

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