From: John E. Malmberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Unless VMS works completely differently to Unix-land, that isn't the
> case.
> > The code that is triggering the error is this:
> In this case it does.  The input and output redirections on the command
> line are handled by VMS specific code in the Perl binary, not by the
> shell.  There are probably other significant differences.

Aaah, ok. It's been a looooooong time since I used VMS. In fact the last
time I used it Perl didn't exist!

> >>>
> >>> Is this the layout needed for running these tests when Compress::Zlib
> >>> is in
> >>> the core only? Is the use of blib still valid for the case when C::Z
> is
> >>> built on VMS away from the core?
> >>
> >>
> >> That's possible, but blib should take care of that IIRC. (non-core
> >> builds)
> >
> >
> > I am kind of new at working on Perl if that was not obvious.
> >
> >  From what I have seen of the other tests, the INC setting when running
> > these tests is usually inherited from the parent, and I have seen the
> > tests use a test when deciding to use blib or not.
> >
> > I did not know the correct fix, just what I needed to stop the script
> > from failing so soon.  The [-.lib] was the only place that I could find
> > the modules.  That is also the setting that was passed on the command
> > line to 03examples.t.
> Is there really any reason that there is VMS specific code here?

What happens if you remove it? 


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