Dave Mitchell wrote:

thinking further, your best strategy is probably to include the dtrace
code in the PUSHSUB and POPSUB macros.

Would that catch everything, or would I still have to instrument (for example) pp_entersub?

As a taster, here's a trace of the following perl script:

sub a { sleep(1); b(); }
sub b { sleep(1); c(); }
sub c { sleep(1); d(); }
sub d { sleep(1); }
while (1) { a(); }

which I instrumented with the following primitive D script:

#pragma D option quiet

        printf("PERL: %s %s:%d\n", copyinstr(arg0), copyinstr(arg1),

        printf("    LIBC: %s\n", probefunc);

/pid == $target/
        printf("        KERNEL: %s\n", probefunc);

It isn't pretty-indented as I've only implemented the entry point tracing, but you get the idea - you can follow the process down from perl, into libc, across the syscall barrier, into the kernel and back out again. Not only could you use dtrace to profile your perl script, you could use it to profile the OS at the same time. And if you want to know what the kernel code is doing, go to http://opensolaris.org where the source is available, e.g. http://cvs.opensolaris.org/source/xref/usr/src/uts/common/os/callout.c#106

# LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$PWD PERL5LIB=$PWD/lib ./perl upanddown &
[1]     16508
# dtrace -s ./bryan.d -p 16508 | less
PERL: b upanddown:3
    LIBC: time
    LIBC: __time
        KERNEL: syscall_mstate
        KERNEL: gethrtime_unscaled
        KERNEL: syscall_entry
        KERNEL: pre_syscall
        KERNEL: gtime
        KERNEL: gethrestime
        KERNEL: gethrtime
        KERNEL: syscall_mstate
        KERNEL: gethrtime_unscaled
        KERNEL: syscall_mstate
        KERNEL: gethrtime_unscaled
        KERNEL: syscall_exit
        KERNEL: post_syscall
        KERNEL: thread_lock
        KERNEL: disp_lock_exit
        KERNEL: syscall_mstate
        KERNEL: gethrtime_unscaled
    LIBC: sleep
    LIBC: ___nanosleep
        KERNEL: syscall_mstate
        KERNEL: gethrtime_unscaled
        KERNEL: syscall_entry
        KERNEL: pre_syscall
        KERNEL: copyin_args32
        KERNEL: copyin_nowatch
        KERNEL: watch_disable_addr
        KERNEL: nanosleep
        KERNEL: gethrestime
        KERNEL: gethrtime
        KERNEL: timespecadd
        KERNEL: cv_waituntil_sig
        KERNEL: gethrestime
        KERNEL: gethrtime
        KERNEL: timespectohz_adj
        KERNEL: timespecsub
        KERNEL: timespecadd
        KERNEL: cv_timedwait_sig
        KERNEL: realtime_timeout
        KERNEL: timeout_common
        KERNEL: thread_lock
        KERNEL: cv_block
        KERNEL: new_mstate
        KERNEL: gethrtime_unscaled
        KERNEL: cpu_update_pct
        KERNEL: scalehrtime
        KERNEL: cpu_grow
        KERNEL: cpu_decay
        KERNEL: disp_lock_enter_high
        KERNEL: disp_lock_exit_high
        KERNEL: disp_lock_exit_nopreempt
        KERNEL: disp_lock_enter
        KERNEL: disp_lock_exit
        KERNEL: restore_mstate
        KERNEL: savectx
        KERNEL: restorectx
        KERNEL: untimeout
        KERNEL: gethrestime
        KERNEL: gethrtime
        KERNEL: cv_waituntil_sig
        KERNEL: gethrestime
        KERNEL: gethrtime
        KERNEL: timespectohz_adj
        KERNEL: timespecsub
        KERNEL: timespecadd
        KERNEL: cv_timedwait_sig
        KERNEL: realtime_timeout
        KERNEL: timeout_common
        KERNEL: thread_lock
        KERNEL: cv_block
        KERNEL: new_mstate
        KERNEL: gethrtime_unscaled
        KERNEL: cpu_update_pct
        KERNEL: scalehrtime
        KERNEL: cpu_grow
        KERNEL: cpu_decay
        KERNEL: disp_lock_enter_high
        KERNEL: disp_lock_exit_high
        KERNEL: disp_lock_exit_nopreempt
        KERNEL: disp_lock_enter
        KERNEL: disp_lock_exit
        KERNEL: restore_mstate
        KERNEL: savectx
        KERNEL: restorectx
        KERNEL: untimeout
        KERNEL: gethrestime
        KERNEL: gethrtime
        KERNEL: syscall_mstate
        KERNEL: gethrtime_unscaled
        KERNEL: syscall_mstate
        KERNEL: gethrtime_unscaled
        KERNEL: syscall_exit
        KERNEL: post_syscall
        KERNEL: thread_lock
        KERNEL: disp_lock_exit
        KERNEL: syscall_mstate
        KERNEL: gethrtime_unscaled
    LIBC: time
    LIBC: __time
        KERNEL: syscall_mstate
        KERNEL: gethrtime_unscaled
        KERNEL: syscall_entry
        KERNEL: pre_syscall
        KERNEL: gtime
        KERNEL: gethrestime
        KERNEL: gethrtime
        KERNEL: syscall_mstate
        KERNEL: gethrtime_unscaled
        KERNEL: syscall_mstate
        KERNEL: gethrtime_unscaled
        KERNEL: syscall_exit
        KERNEL: post_syscall
        KERNEL: thread_lock
        KERNEL: disp_lock_exit
        KERNEL: syscall_mstate
        KERNEL: gethrtime_unscaled
    LIBC: memcpy
PERL: c upanddown:4
    LIBC: time
    LIBC: __time

Alan Burlison

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