Simon Cozens wrote:
> I'm trying to find out some useful information on the Microsoft .NET
> Implementation Language, since everyone's raving about it and all I've
> seen is vapourware, glowing press releases and not a drop of code, and
> I'd rather see something a little more technical if it's what we're
> going to be targetting for Perl 6. (Are we still doing this? I've not
> really kept up.)
Good idea. You probably already know that the key page is:

> I've looked all over Microsoft's web site, (it's amusing that the search
> engine doesn't distinguish between "net" and ".net", leading to no
> useful information that way...) and the only thing I've found is the
> .NET SDK. This is an 86 megabyte download and requires Windows 2000.
> Less than encouraging.
I'll try and download this over the next couple of days to see if there's
anything interesting in it... Er, yes, I do run Win 2k sometimes <ducks
flying objects>

> Is there any kind of technical documentation on the IL around,
> especially in terms of what it provides and what it doesn't, and if so,
> could someone launch a copy my way?
There was a recent conference about this stuff. Maybe you should ask the
relevent newsgroup since someone was bound to have been there:


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