Peter Scott wrote:
> At 11:04 PM 8/18/00 -0600, Tony Olekshy wrote:
> >
> > As currently promulgated, catch "Foo" {} will always catch,
> > because "Foo" is true.  Will this cause confusion for developers
> > who meant to say catch Foo {}?
> This is a good point, but I'm not about to concede an extra
> keyword :-)

Nor do I.

> 3. The case you point out - constant string used instead of
>    classname - is by far the most likely occurrence of the
>    mistake.  So just have the parser look for it and issue a
>    compilation warning.

I added this one.

> >And while I'm on the topic, how likely is it that
> >
> >         catch <expr> { ... }
> >
> >is going to be parsable?  Does Perl 5 do that in any cases?
> Well, look at map.  Perl can parse
>          map <expr>, <list>
> We're asking it to find a left brace instead of a comma.
> Where might this break down?  Here's one possibility:
> my ($hash,%hash);
> ...
> catch $hash { ... }
> Okay, suppose we change the syntax to
>          catch <expr>, <block>
> We know that's doable because map can do it.  Suppose we just
> require that comma in all cases except the catch-all.  Then we
> can write:
>          catch Exception::IO => { ... }
>          catch Exception::IO, Exception::SQL => { ... }
> (This one should be doable because the parser can tell that it
> hasn't found a block after that first comma, so it knows to
> keep going)
>          catch $@->isa('Exception::Arithmetic') => { ... }
>          catch { ... }
> Now the question is whether perl can tell that block isn't
> some expression like an anonymous hash constructor.  I'm no
> expert - my guess is that it could tell by the time it
> discovered no comma following the block.

Sounds good.  Catch now requires a "," or => before its block
unless that would be the only token between C<catch> and the

Yours, &c, Tony Olekshy

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