Graham Barr wrote:
> Peter Scott wrote:
> > Tony Olekshy wrote:
> > > Graham Barr wrote:
> > > >
> > > > I am of the opinion that only a class name should follow
> > > > catch.  If someone wants to catch based on an expression
> > > > they should use
> > > >
> > > >   catch {
> > > >     if (<expr>) {
> > > >     }
> > > >     else {
> > > >       # rethrow the error
> > > >     }
> > > >   }
> > >
> > > Then you will be glad to know that RFC 88, in the not quite
> > > ready version two release, allows you do to just that.
> >
> > "Allows" isn't the same as "should be the only way" though.
> >
> > Graham, did you base your opinion on usability, parseability,
> > both, neither?
> Probably both along with simplicity, ie keeping the language simple.

Here's what I really think we should do, in light of the fact that I
too don't want to put *anything* into the Perl core unless it *can't*
be done as a module (for some value of can't, even if certain hooks
are provided and other enhancements are made in re performance).

I think Perl's canonical exception handling mechanism should be in
a core (ie, sanctioned) module, not built-in at all.  I think die,
eval, and $@ should be left *exactly* as before.  I think C<use
fatal;> is a good idea, but I'm not going to lose any sleep over it.  

Everything in RFC 88 can be done in Perl 5 (modulo syntax and some
sugar), and in fact is done in the module in reference
[TRY-2000] in RFC 88.  Syntax enhancements will likely be possible
with Perl 6; I can even imagine an RFC on "Clause-based subroutine
argument parsing." (which would make RFC 88 do-able as a module
without any significant syntax changes).

In fact, not only would I be pleased and honoured to author the
Perl 6 core module, I'm already working on a Perl 5 standard
reference implementation.

Peter, I think we should make this approach more clear in RFC 88.

Yours, &c, Tony Olekshy

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