In reply to your message from the not too distant future: next Saturday AD
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Date: Sat, 19 Aug 2000 20:50:44 -0400
From: Jerrad Pierce <belg4mit>

I do believe thbis is one of the reasons sysread is there

perldoc -f sysread
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  ..oooooooooooo..oo.   Jerrad Pierce              /\  /  \         /   ;IIWMM
  ..oooooooooo.......   209 North Street     +    /  \ /  \  .     /   ;IIIIWM
  ...ooooooooo.......   Randolph, MA 02368        /  \     \  ___/   :;IIIIIWM                            /    \    \ /  ::     ;;IIIMI     /    \     \   :     :::;IIIM
     ..ooooooo....      __________________________ ||   ||       ::.....::::::
MOTD on Sat Aug 19 2000 12 23:

"Dear Lord, give me chastity and self-restraint... but not yet, O Lord, not yet!" 
-Saint Auguistine A.D. 354-430

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