At first I thought this was a -io item, but then I realized the -io part is 
easy; it's the -language part I need to get right :-)

I have often thought that there should be a way to say that a readline() 
should limit the length of line it could return, or in circumstances where 
the input source could be malicious there could be a DoS attack with a huge 
stream of characters absent any newlines.

I.e., if my code does $foo = <FILE> and the user feeds 10 terabytes of 
characters to the filehandle without a newline, the program would have 
problems.  I presume; I've never tried it :-)

I discovered the $/ = ref_to_integer feature and thought, "Ah, this is 
it."  But not quite - on non-record-oriented systems (e.g., Unix), a 
getline will now read exactly that many characters in, including a newline 
and the next record, and the next...  In other words, it looks just like 

Would really like a feature that said, "<> will get characters until this 
many have been retrieved, or newline, whichever comes first."  Sound 

Peter Scott
Pacific Systems Design Technologies

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