On Thu, 17 Aug 2000 07:44:03 +1000, Jeremy Howard wrote:

>> $a and $b were done for speed: quicker to set up those global
>> variables than to pass values through the stack.

>The solution is to pass args in as $_[0] and $_[1]. 

Even if you succeed in making access to @_ as fast as access to $a and
$b (i.e. ignore the stack setup time), access to $_[0] will still be
slower than to $a because of the array index.

Or are you saying that the compiler should optimize and treat "$_[0]" as
a whole?


        sort { $_[0] <=> $_[1] } @list

is very ugly.

I *like* the syntax of 

        sort { $a <=> $b } @list

Very neat: it *looks* simple. Very Perlish, too: a custom syntax for a
custom application of a function.

If you insist on not using $a and $b in

        sub customsort {

        sort \&customsort @list

well, I could live with that. Does that solve your "strict" problem?

p.s. I can't see how this still relates to the subject line.


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