/--- On Thu, Aug 24, 2000 at 12:30:25PM -0400, John Porter wrote:
| > Still not good. "trans" is too overloaded word. "transaction"?
| > "transactional"? (a bit too long...) "atomic"?
| "acid"?

"transactional" and "transaction" are quite long, I don't like that.

"acid"  could  be  misleading  in  this  case:  this  is  a  different
transaction mechanism that most db server has.

"atomic" will  not be  true if  you don't  use "user  transaction" (in
multithreaded environment, and with objects).

Other suggestions? I  want a keyword, which expresses  more the nature
of  the perl  transaction: the  value is  permanent if  the code  runs
correctly,  and  will  be  lost  if the  code  has  died.  What  about
"onsuccess",  "consistent", "?  I personally  prefer "trans",  because
it is short and clean-cut.

Other idea?

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