/--- On Tue, Aug 29, 2000 at 04:18:57PM -0400, John Porter wrote:
| > I was thinking  about this same problem while reading  RFC 130. It
| > seems
| > like transactions  and exceptions  are closely related.  Should we
| > combine
| > the two?

| >   try transaction {
| >      ...
| >   }

How would you think that? Why it is more than a simple

try {


| > That's a really  interesting extension to exceptions  -- code that
| > has
| > no side-effects unless it finishes.

You mean: all  variables are "transaction-enabled"? This  must be very
hard   to   realize,  because   some   variables   stores  states   of
communications  with other  programs,  and those  cannot be  restored,
because the  communication has  done. We need  some kind  of rollback,
specified to variables.

| Um, I think it should only affect C<local>ized variables, since
| transactionalizing  dovetails  so  neatly   with  the  semantics  of
| C<local>.

I suggested  new keyword  for that: "trans"  (or suggested  by others,
like "acid", "onsuccess", "atomic", "transactional", etc...).

Simple  "local"  is  not  enought.  Think  about  multi-threading  and
locking also...

| > BTW, how useful are transactions on
| > internal variables if we don't provide I/O transactions too?
| Well,  *very*, I  would think;  but, of  course, having  IO xactions
| *too*
| would be good.

You can  do it  with objects,  and tie interface.  It needs  some some
cleanings, because  it is still not  functional in this state  (I need
some time  to write a  new version  of the RFC),  but I think  this is
the future!  Look at  the Object  interface and  TIE interface  in the

Has anybody  got other idea  to manage transactions outside  perl, and
how it can be made usable?


                == Magzar billentzuyet ruley ==

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