At 01:07 PM 8/29/00 -0600, Tom Christiansen wrote:
> >Now, every error is guaranteed to be an object.  You can call some method
> >or check some attribute of it to find out if it was an exception.  If
> >you're checking a system() or `` failure, you use it in numerical
> >context.  If you're checking a builtin failure, you use it in string
> >context (unless you have some fetish about errno).
>It's not a fetish.  It's for portability and reliability.  There is
>no guarantee of the precise text that strerror() would produce
>when passed EAGAIN or ENOENT, yet it is these errnos by symbolic
>name that the syscalls are defined to return.

I don't argue with this for a moment (I just haven't seen much code that 
bothered).  I am wondering whether Larry was saying in that we 
could do better than checking integers:

>I think I agree with the folks that say errors should be caught by
>type, not by number.  Just as a for instance, you ought to able to
>write a simple handler that catches any ERRNO-style error.

or whether I misunderstand.

Peter Scott
Pacific Systems Design Technologies

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