Graham Barr wrote:
> Given that is happens when bless is called and that all other builtin
> methods are anmed after what is being called, not what it is being used
> for, then I would say that it should be called BLESS for consistancy reason.
> this may seem confusing because you are thinking of one particular use
> that you have in mind for this, but in a generic sense it is a method
> that is called when bless is called.

I agree with this too, however Damian has expressed he feels it's too
confusing. Nonetheless, as you mention, it would be highly consistent
with with other Perl functions.

Damian, I think it would be worth at least mentioning BLESS and REBLESS
in an "Alternative Names" section in the RFC. Enough people have voiced
concerns over this that I think these two are worth putting in there.
Then Larry can make the call.


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