> >  print keys %hash, "\n";
   > >  exists $hash{key}{subkey};
   > >  print keys %hash, "\n";
   > >Or did that get fixed when I wasn't looking?
   > No, the -> operator has not been changed to do lazy evaluation.

That's not required. All that is necessary is for C<exists> nodes
in the op tree to propagate a special non-autovivifying context to 
subordinate nodes.

E.g. exists $hash{key}{subkey}

                  /   \
              entry   "subkey"
              /   \
          %hash   "key"

Is preprocessed to:

                  /       \
              entry(na)   "subkey"
              /      \
          %hash(na)  "key"

which prevents %hash from autovivifying, which causes the left-most
branch to fail (without autovivifying) when asked for "key", which in
turn causes the entire <exists> to fail without autovivifying.

   > I just don't like reading "exists causes autovivification" when it
   > doesn't.

Sorry, I was being philosophically sloppy. A call to C<exists> can
*result* in autovivification (of something), though it does not itself
*cause* autovivification.



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